From September 2020 to September 2022, Benfury worked on the development of a new choreographic creation. Marked by different periods of residency, the experimental project has followed several trajectories.
His first residency, at the beginning of 2021, at the Tour à Plomb, was the starting point for this long research. Benfury and his team analysed different sports movements, in particular with the help of sports coaches from neighbourhood associations (Mohamed Allouchi & Hajar Loudiy) to bring out their choreographic nature. During these moments, photographer Sylvain Anciaux documented the choreographic research.
End of residency – 5 blocks – May 2021 – © Sylvain Anciaux
interview with Sinam Prawerman, sculptor, dancer and costume designer for Tetrachrom
Residence at the Tour à Plomb – February 2021 – © Sylvain Anciaux
In May 2021, Benfury and his company marked the end of their residency with an in situ choreography within the five blocks complex. Each dancer put on a dance performance in this public space. These moments of on-site rehearsal allowed the choreographer to incorporate characteristic elements, such as the satellite dishes and birds. Benfury also included street furniture present on-site in the choreography, namely trees, shop shutters, etc.
interview de Benfury, chorégrahe de Tetrachrom
The final details were worked out at the last residency, in September 2022, at the MAD, and the dancers’ movements were adapted to work with masks designed by Sinam Prawerman, dancer and sculptor. The masks clearly indicate the choreographer’s inspiration: birds, omnipresent in all five blocks.
Tetrachrom a été pensée comme une chorégraphie déambulatoire dans l’espace extérieur des 5 blocs. Benfury et son équipe ont élaboré une danse hybride, inspirée du paysage urbain bruxellois. Intitulée Tetrachrom (qui voit 4 couleurs), la chorégraphie renvoie à la vision des pigeons présents dans le quartier. La question de la perception des couleurs, du rapport à l’autre, du vivre-ensemble, mais également du mimétisme de cet oiseau invasif traversent la réflexion du chorégraphe. En rassemblant des danseur·euse·s qui ne se connaissaient pas à l’origine, Benfury a pensé, une chorégraphie qui met en lumière les singularités de chacun·e.
Residency at MAD – September 2022
From September 2020 to September 2022, Benfury worked on the development of a new choreographic creation. Marked by different periods of residency, the experimental project has followed several trajectories.
His first residency, at the beginning of 2021, at the Tour à Plomb, was the starting point for this long research. Benfury and his team analysed different sports movements, in particular with the help of sports coaches from neighbourhood associations (Mohamed Allouchi & Hajar Loudiy) to bring out their choreographic nature. During these moments, photographer Sylvain Anciaux documented the choreographic research.
Residence at the Tour à Plomb – February 2021 – © Sylvain Anciaux
In May 2021, Benfury and his company marked the end of their residency with an in situ choreography within the five blocks complex. Each dancer put on a dance performance in this public space. These moments of on-site rehearsal allowed the choreographer to incorporate characteristic elements, such as the satellite dishes and birds. Benfury also included street furniture present on-site in the choreography, namely trees, shop shutters, etc.
End of residency – 5 blocks – May 2021 – © Sylvain Anciaux
The final details were worked out at the last residency, in September 2022, at the MAD, and the dancers’ movements were adapted to work with masks designed by Sinam Prawerman, dancer and sculptor. The masks clearly indicate the choreographer’s inspiration: birds, omnipresent in all five blocks.
Residency at MAD – September 2022
interview with Sinam Prawerman, sculptor, dancer and costume designer for Tetrachrom
interview de Benfury, chorégraphe de Tetrachrom
Tetrachrom was conceived as a choreography that makes use of the outdoor space around the five blocks. Benfury and his team have developed a hybrid dance inspired by the urban landscape of Brussels. Entitled Tetrachrom (who sees 4 colours), the choreography refers to the way the pigeons in the neighbourhood see things. The question of colour perception, of the relationship with others, of community, but also of the mimicry of this invasive bird is reflected upon by the choreographer. By bringing together dancers who did not know each other at the outset, Benfury has devised a choreography that highlights the singularities of each.
interview de Sinam Prawerman, sculpteur, danseur et costume designer pour Tetrachrom
Dancer/Choreographer: Benfury
Dancers: Beatrice Debrabant, Sinam Prawerman, Natalia Velabona, David Scarpuzza
Composer: Maxime Pichon
Costume Design: Sinam Prawerman