Ahilan Ratnamohan - Football x Fashion © Ingus Bajars 6 croped

Football x Fashion

Choreographed fashion show

Ahilan Ratnamohan

5th October


Parc des Brigittines, 1000 Brussels

The brainchild of choreographer and former footballer Ahilan Ratnamohan, Football x Fashion brings together the worlds of fashion and football in a choreographed open-air fashion show.  Applause from the VIP stand, camera flashes and grandiose costumes: Football x Fashion gleams with the rhinestones and glitter of a fashion show. But there’s nothing superficial about it. Between the pounding beats, the artist makes a critical commentary on the dubious ethics of the big sports brands. All the models are footballers, and the outfits on display are upcycled silhouettes by designers of all abilities. In doing so, the artist seeks to answer the following question: who can compete in these two worlds, and who should be given the red card?

→ And also…

· A DJ set by Cheb Runner

9pm > 10pm

Parc des Brigittines, 1000 Brussels

Choreographer: Ahilan Ratnamohan

Artistic and Community Assistant: Lewis Maes

Sound: Cheb Runner

Set designer: ENSAV La Cambre section scénographie

Technical aspect: Kaaitheater

Models: Brussels footballers

Thanks to: Bravvo non-profit, City of Brussels Sports Department, OXFAM, Sportsswitch, Bruxelles participation, Julie Menuge, MIPINTA, Maria Cubillos, Kwalé Hakiza, Noureddine Zouagui, Sarah De Saint Etienne , Régine Ignace, Barbara Mavro, Cyclup, PCS Radis-Marolles, CARIA asbl, Institut Charles Gheude and to all the participants

About the artist

Ahilan Ratnamohan creates interdisciplinary shows in collaboration with artists who are not classically trained. After trying his hand at a professional football career in Europe, he has been concentrating on the performing arts since 2007, first in Sydney and then in Antwerp.

Sport and language learning are his main areas of interest, and he has developed three trajectories in his practice: research into football choreography, research into the performativity of language lessons and a collaboration with the Star Boy Collective. Ratnamohan is currently artist-in-residence at Kaaitheater.